
Salam pemburu buku!
Jika anda peminat buku dan mencari buku terbitan DBP - Dawama, jualan gudangnya sedang berlangsung. Buku-buku terbitan lama memang murah. Tetapi sudah tentu buku lama, kualitinya lama la juga, tetapi apa dipandang pada luaran, dalam yang penting bukan.
Saya membeli 17 judul kebanyakkannya novel pada harga RM 70 sahaja! Cuma satu buku sahaja yang saya beli RM10.00 ke atas, buku Epigrafi Islam Terawal di Nusantara sebab itu buku baru dan berkulit tebal. Dan saya sudah mendapatkan Tunas Cipta Disember 2008. Ada sahabat saya dalamnya. Buku-buku yang dibeli RM10.00 ke bawah:
1. Anak Titiwangsa
2. Cerpen-cerpen dari Negeri Thai
3. Di Hujung Perjalanan
4. Empanagan (buku ini ada satu sahaja masa saya pergi, saya rasa memang sudah ditentukan untuk saya, :)
5. Kalbu
6. Mevrouw Toga
7. Panrita
8. Puisi-puisi Rendra
9. Pura Bujangga
10. Sakura Mengorak Kelopak
11. Sudara
12. Sukma Angin
13. ... banyak lagi
ya, kali ini saya mengumpul Arenawati. Mahu membeli lagi tapi bakul sudah sangat berat. Jangan risau ada banyak lagi judul buku, untuk anak-anak sekolah juga banyak, bukan novel sahaja.
Kamus dewan edisi mutakhir (edisi ke 6 kot) dari RM60 dijual dengan RM45. Nasib saya sudah beli, kalau tidak tentu saya beli satu.
Kawan-kawan cepat datang. Murah, rugi tak beli. Nak tunggu tahun depan, akhir tahun baru ada jualan gudang. Jualan gudang Dawama-DBP di Hulu Kelang.


Nur said…
arghhhhhhhhhhhh jeles nya!

kak, saya sudah membaca anak titiwangsa itu, meskipun sarat dengan moral values, but the words used werent my taste, in my opinion anyway.

If you are able to buy menuju ke puncak, please do so, (agaknyer la, i cant remember!), by whom, also I cant remember, but that book, was bought by mum and dad for me on the same day!

I couldnt believe it, because i greeted them after they came home from work, in a separate cars as they worked in a different school, both of them gave me the same book! so i have two copies.

I don't really like the book, again because of the style, but the thought, the action from my parents, enough to sustain me a lifetime love..

do share with us the books, the excerpt of the books...
ASaL said…
haha, i wish i will be in KL and the sale will still on. I'm going back tomorrow, perhaps I still have my holiday before the semester begin. There a few thing to be settle, paper and presentation, and to be send off to Kedah InshaAllah, few days, but, what ever, i still in a good mood coz i keep myself on track to fulfill this year dream. Alhamdulillah.

There a lot of title that I really want to buy, but i have to settle it for now, coz i never know when i will finished all the books. Ha9x.
Nur said…
all the books that i bought was in the second hand books, i bought a lots, and i think my mum will shake her head as usual, owh, when can i get my own house and stock all the books in that!? i think, sampai mati aku tidak akan punya rumah sendiri...huuhu

you were in jengka? i thought you were in a holiday? when are you going to kedah? will go to langkawi again?

i wish, i just wish i'm home
ASaL said…
ermm, yes i'm in KL now, but will go back to Jengka tomorrow insha'Allah
we having a day having fun with all my family member here in Keramat, yesterday. Alhamdulillah doa kesyukuran for Adli's achievement and mine (i take me almost one year to give my family a treat).
It always feel good buying cheap book but the content is rewarding as a reading material and colletion item. Huhu, having Arenawati in the house is kinda, special. Don't I told you that Arena's birth on July too?
I searching for the book from ur favorite author, the one that wrote Artakusiad tah ke benda tak tau title. But i don't think i see one.
yeah, be home, and let cook again together.
Nur said…
adli's achievement? what is that suppose to mean? A DL again? or has he graduate from deg?owh i cant even remember little adli's year!

And yours as well? mean? it takes a year for ur family treat? mean? owh man, i'm so slow, immerse in the lit rev makes me a slow person, urghh...nauzubillah...

yeah, i wish i can buy lost of malay books, then i can share it with my mum, she 'stole' my harun din's books you know, but well, if it gives her pleasure, let it be then, she gave me so much already, yet demands nothing.

arena is in july too? hahahhaha...some eccentric people are always in july, not to meantion the great as well

artakusia, the author is alhamd patria abdulllah..hahahhaha...yeah, speaking about the last book in the series, it should be out last august, but i dont know why it hasnt come out yet, so mean of him, to let the readers asking and wondering for all these years!

sampaikan sembah salam ku pada bunda mu dan adli

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