
Dalam melepas lelah, perlahan-lahan menyelak dalam hangat-hangat berhimpun, terbaca:

Prophet Muhammad sawa prophesied of the Last Age that:

'People would follow a way of life other than mine, and give guidance other than mine'
'I fear for my people only the leaders who lead men astray'
'Before the Last Hour there will be great liars, so beware of them'

'When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Last Hour'.
dipetik dari Hossein, I.N. (2007). Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age. Masjid Jami'ah, City of San Fernando. Trinidad and Tobago.


Ibnurashidi said…

Teruskan menulis dari semasa ke semasa dan belajar apa yang patut..pasti berjaya..

dan jemput komen:

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