
You're not patriotic enough if you didn't know that S & Datuk K had announced their relationship.
Duh! It's being air in national TV, Prime Time slot, and more than 15 minutes just to hear Datuk K mumbling and S shy-shy cat.
You're not patriotic enough if you didn't know M & I will break up.
Duh! It's being reported at the front page on the national newspaper and tabloid. It even been a video clip for M new songs.
You're not patriotic enough if you don't know we are going to upgrade sport centre at UK which will cost more than RM400 million.
We are too wealthy and that's why we have special program called BersamaMu, duh!
You're not patriotic enough if you're not participate in SMS poll, "Does S choose the right person?"
Duh! It will only cost you less then RM1.00, so what the heck. Just poll and send your vote.
Finally, you should be proud the deputy Youth Leader go to tour to discuss on Lebanon and Palestinian issues.
Proud to be Malaysian!


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